Déjà Vu

Beginning this was … interesting, amusing, and downright cognitively challenging. Amidst focusing on keeping my steps close and my stride small, I found out there was a lot to think about (understatement). When I’d pick up the pace from walking, I noticed my right hand was clenched.

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Ashley Voth
Getting Our Minds Ready

I recently listened to a friend speak about positivity. She spoke about how we often begin our days getting our physical bodies ready but how often do we take the time to get our minds ready?

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Ashley Voth
Recognizing Recovery Growth

Sometimes it can be challenging to recognize slow growth or small changes. Through the summer, the trees grow, the flowers bloom, and gardens flourish (hopefully). From one day to the next, we may not notice the changes that have taken place – the new leaves that have formed, the buds that have become larger, or the pea pod that has begun to fill with peas.

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Ashley VothComment
Emotional Regulation through Recovery

I recently connected with a young stroke warrior and emotional regulation was a topic that came up in our conversation. It was something that we could both relate to, and she was curious and interested in learning about ways to build skills for when those moments arise.

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Ashley VothComment
Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude is something we may hear a lot about but may not be feeling much of it after having a stroke. Situations where many new challenges are present may not seem like the ideal setting for being grateful! Yet gratitude is something that has a valuable influence on mindset and can be exactly what is needed.

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Ashley VothComment
Befriending Your Affected Side

After a stroke, there can be so much bitterness when it comes to thoughts towards the affected side! I still find myself getting frustrated at the pace, the agility, and the strength of my right side. I don’t like how I consistently wear out the toe of my right shoes because that foot drags a little bit with each step. But, if I check myself before I wreck myself, I can also take note that the toe of my right shoe is wearing out because I am walking and taking steps, which is something to be very happy about!

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Ashley VothComment
This Feels Familiar: Part 2 – The Basics

In Part 1, I wrote about how the isolation that is coming with the current pandemic feels familiar as it’s similar to the isolation we often experience post-stroke. Another part of the pandemic reality that feels similar to post-stroke reality is appreciating the basics. The little basics of our day to day life that often get passed by when the pace of our days quickens and we become distracted from the small things that make up our day.

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