Recognizing Recovery Growth
Sometimes it can be challenging to recognize slow growth or small changes. Through the summer, the trees grow, the flowers bloom, and gardens flourish (hopefully). From one day to the next, you may not notice the changes that have taken place – the new leaves that have formed, the buds that have become larger, or the pea pod that has begun to fill with peas.
Just as it’s tough to see the growth of a plant in one day, sometimes it’s hard to recognize your own progress through one day. You are in your body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and never stepping out of this process can make it challenging to see the differences from one day to the next - the small movements that are made on the affected side; the strength to take one more step; and the energy to have one more conversation.
We are often able to recognize the changes and the progress when a month has passed, or sometimes even a week if we watch closely. It’s even easier to recognize all of these changes and the growth when it nears the end of the season and the next transition brings a time of reflection. As things change, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on what all took place to get to where we are now – the trees full of leaves, now turning bright reds, oranges, and yellows; the flowers closing up for the season and building seeds for next year; and this year’s garden produce turning into meals for the coming months.
Seasonal reflections can be similar through stroke recovery. While it may not be easy to see the changes day by day, there is always the opportunity to reflect on what the last season has been like. The energy and strength gained from walks you went on even if it was just a few steps; the resilience you’ve built from continuing to move towards your goals; and the comfort you’ve gained through acceptance.
Recognize your growth, even if it seems small. This is making the beautiful plant that you are today.